Develop women leaders for a global market - Building relationships key to gaining career influence


10.30 - 11.00    REGISTRIERUNG


11.00 - 11.30    WELCOME & OPENING REMARKS

                          Anett Hanck, Geschäftsführerin CSO Verlagsgruppe News

                          KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, Vorstand European Brand Institute

                          Dr. Hannes Reichmann, Head of Corporate Communication
                          Novomatic AG

                          H.E. Alexa Wesner, Ambassador of the United States of America
                          to Austria


11.30 - 12.15    KEYNOTE "Fast Forwarding the Female


                          Sally Helgesen, US Leadership Consultant,       

                          Speaker and Bestseller-Author


12.15 - 12.30    IMPULSE STATEMENT "The 5by20 initiative"

                          Jackie Duff, Strategic Project Director, Women's 

                          Economic Empowerment, Coca Cola Company


12.30 - 13.30    LUNCH


13.30 - 15.00    PANEL I: " Building relationships - the key to gaining career influence" - Netzwerke der Macht -

  gemeinsam in die Zukunft!


                         PANEL CHAIR: Gabriela Schnabel, FORMAT



                         Sally Helgesen, US Leadership Consultant and Bestseller-Author

                         Dr. Harald Katzmair, CEO and Founder FAS Research

                         Dr. Andrea Kdolsky, Director Health Care Services PwC
KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek, Vorstand European Brand Institute



15.00 - 15.30    COFFEE BREAK


15.30 - 17.00    PANEL II: "The female age - how to develop women leaders for a global market"
                           Faktor F: Die Wirtschaft wird weiblich!


                          PANEL CHAIR: Anett Hanck, Geschäftsführerin CSO
                          Verlagsgruppe News



                          Mag. Michaela Huber, Senior Vice President
                          Corporate Communications & Sustainability OMV

                          Mag. Tatjana Oppitz, Generaldirektorin IBM Österreich

                          Mag. Corinne Gabler, Generaldirektorin Nestle Österreich

                          Mag. DI Dr. Brigitte Bach, Head of Energy Department AIT

                          Jackie Duff, Strategic Project Director
                          Women´s Economic Empowerement Coca Cola Company

                          Mag. Corinna Tinkler, Director Corporate               

                          Communications REWE International AG



17.00 - 18.00    5 O´CLOCK COCKTAIL


                          & Fashion Show by US Designer Luly Yang



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An initiative of the European Brand Institute