Unter dem Motto „EQUALITY CREATES VALUE “ fand am Mittwoch, 9.10.2013 das 8. eurobrand forum in Kooperation mit der US Embassy Vienna im Novomatic Forum statt. Im Rahmen der Podiumsdiskussion „The female brand – business imperative or (still) exception?“ wurde aus nationaler & internationaler Perspektive die Bedeutung von „gender diversity“ in Unternehmen aus sozio-ökonomischer, betrieblicher und markenspezifischer Sicht diskutiert. US-Bestseller Autorin Catherine Kaputa hielt die Keynote zum Thema „ The female brand – equality pays!“. U.a. mit: Gerhard Hrebicek, Präsident European Brand Institute , Hannes Reichmann, Unternehmenssprecher Novomatic AG, Kristin Hanusch-Linser, Head of Corporate Communications ÖBB Holding, uvm.
v.l.n.r.: Hannes Reichmann, Head of Corporate Communications, Novomatic Group of Companies, Kristin Hanusch-Linser Head of Corporate Communication & Marketing, ÖBB-Holding AG, Catherine Kaputa Bestseller author “The Female Brand”, Managing Director Selfbranding, Gerhard Hrebicek, Präsident European Brand Institute (c) Ludwig Schedl
"brands inspired by Women Leadership"
Using the female mindset to succeed in brand communication
v.l.n.r : Anett Hanck, Managing Director, Verlagsgruppe NEWS, Catherine Kaputa, bestseller author “The Female Brand”, Managing Director Selfbranding, Kristin Hanusch-Linser, Head of Corporate Communications, ÖBB Holding AG, Marion Maurer, Director HR, McDonald's Österreich, Andrea Kdolsky, Director Health Care Services PwC Österreich
Panel Discussion "The female brand" - business imperative or (still)
v.l.n.r. Beatrice Acheleke, CEO Diversity Leadership, President Black European Women’s Council, Christian Rainer, Publisher and Chief Editor profil, Eveline Steinberger-Kern, Sector Cluster Lead Energy, Siemens AG Österreich, Gerhard Hrebicek, Präsident European Brand Institute, Adela Beganovic, Young Professional Networker, Sita Mazumder, Professor, Institute for Financial Management IFZ Zug, Alexandra Föderl – Schmid, Chief Editor Der Standard
Catherine Kaputa, Bestseller Author "The Female Brand", Managing Director Selfbranding
"The power of gender equality" - promoting gender equality prospers your brand
Best practice examples-how corporations successfully implement equality programs to boost
their brand
v.l.n.r.: Sita Mazumder, Professor, Institute for Financial Management IFZ Zug, Stephanos Berger, Managing Director cidcom – Advertising Agency for Novomatic AG, Davor Sertic, Managing Director Unit Cargo / Diversity Specialist, Manuela Vollmann, Managing Director abz*austria, Helena Marko, LLM. Partnerin LGP Lansky, Ganzger & Partner, Barbara Mayerl, Head of infotech department, FORMAT
Pressestimmern 2013